Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Good non-secular persons rejoice

The Royal Mail has issued its Christmas stamps, which this year feature pictures of the Nativity.
Praise the Lord - and the even better news is that they also feature the Annunciation and the Epiphany. Doubts as to how clearly the Beeb's scribe understands what the Nativity is can only be magnified as we read on...
The company said the stamps were inspired by verses from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
True BBC impartiality! But never mind, we have clear acknowledgement here that Christmas is a a Chrsitian festival. Or do we?
Last year's Christmas stamps featured animated characters Wallace & Gromit. Royal Mail's policy for its official Christmas stamps is to alternate non-secular and secular themes each year - but non-secular festive issues are always available.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

St Paul's latest

Protester Naomi Colvin told the Today programme the demonstrators wanted any decision to leave to be theirs, and it would come only when they had achieved their objectives in the current location.
Ms Colvin, aged thirty one and three quarters, also said that the demonstrators had come to a democratic decision that it was up to them when they went to bed and that neither parents, the ex-Dean of St Pauls nor anybody else had any business telling them it was bedtime.

Update: the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has announced his resignation. In a statement just issued by Lambeth Palace, he said that since over the last fortnight the demonstrators had gained a far larger audience for woolly leftish moralising than he had managed in all his years in office, he felt somewhat surplus to requirements. He was confident that he was leaving the conscience of the nation in safe hands, and was looking forward to resuming his research on the Arian heresy and the late Roman banking system.

Reports of uncontrollable laughter from somewhere beyond the clouds were unconfirmed.